It’s been a while since that first post. The Food Safety Supervisors course is done, and Lloyd’s Luscious is active.

The beginning of this food endeavour has focused on preserves, capturing the sun and keeping it in a bottle. Not just one dimensional flavours either, but flavour relationships. With this point of difference in mind we bring you tastes such as Cherry-O-Baby an almond vanilla jelly with a  cherry suspension. Or Egyptian influenced apricot and pink grapefruit with pistachio and rose, best eaten on the banks of the Nile. Carrot and cardamom is another that we love to have at our table, beautifully scented sweet and tart all at once. Or perhaps something wacky and unusual but definitely delicious like Yes, I like pina colada; with pineapple, kiwi, coconut, rum and a hint of chilli. We have many more in the pipeline that family and friends will be testing in the near future.

Some of our recent creations ....

But it’s not just jams, we have 3 different sourdough starters bubbling away each with different characteristics which we hope will impart something unique and special to our breads, so watch this space.

How about some ready made home help items, luxurious home made pastry blocks ready for you to shape and add your touch to create something special? We’ll be offering shortcrust in both sweet and savoury; brioche and others.

There are three of of us working on Lloyd’s Luscious, we all have day jobs but we are inspecting commercial premises, ordering bulk items and preparing for weekend markets so we hope to see you soon. From Lloyd, Karen and Kate; seeya!

One response to “

  1. These jams are some of the bet I’ve ever tasted. They produce those OMG moments when it’s like you have manna from heaven in your mouth. Pease keep these magical creations coming.

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